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Daily Mental Zui
Welcome to my blog, a place where you can learn about how to keep a positive mindset through feeding your mind with physical, psychological and spiritual food (your mental fulcrum). On this blog I will share with you information on what your brain and by extension your mind needs nutritionally, physically, psychologically and spiritually for it function optimally and give you an edge in every area of your life mentally. Please reach out and engage—I’m happy to hear from you, as well.
The Mind
A Garden in nature
The flowers in this picture resemble a garden. Our minds are like a garden. A garden well looked after will have beautiful and healthy plants such as flowers, shrubs, trees and well manicured grass. So is a mind that is well looked after. A brain and body well fed and kept positive will have beautiful thoughts, aspirations and dreams. That is the essence of dailymentalzui.
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